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Art & Politics

My Views

I consider myself an individual with a high need for achievement. I enjoy being challenged, especially academically. This is part of the reason why I took the Honors version of a general education art course. Admittedly, I did not know much about art, and the final presentation was at one point a concern. Fortunately for me, the course was Art and Politics, which meant I would not be completely lost. However, I found that I was approaching the class from a misguided perspective. I was preoccupied that my lack of experience in art would be a detriment when it came to the final. I soon realized that the many strategies I had learned previous involving research still applied. Infact, they do so for most topics. My best strategy was to use the many resources available through our campus library. Finding databases that relate specifically to art and politics helped narrow many results (Information Literacy Level 3). However, the results can be overwhelming when dealing with a topic one is not familiar with. So, I used a great resource that is often underused. I asked a Librarian for their help. One of the greatest benefits of asking a librarian for help is that they have a great understanding of available journals and articles in a wide variety of fields. They also value the credibility of the sources they provide which means students will often get high quality and reputable sources.  Overall, I found that the same principles apply as with any other research—having sources that are credibly cited and peer reviewed being among the most important.

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Art & Politics

            Before long, I realized that my initial fears and concerns had disappeared. I approached the research just as I would a study in my own field and generated a unique hypothesis that stemmed from the body of knowledge I had acquired during the class. This body of knowledge eventually turned into my final project, titled The Origins of Abstract Expressionism (Information Synthesis Level 3). Before taking the class, the term Abstract Expressionism would have meant very little to me, but after much diligent research I became well acquainted with the subject.

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